A.MEN – Antiochian Men Newsletter


The DOMSE Antiochian Men Newsletter
Christ is in our midst!

Our Diocese leadership, with the blessing of His Grace Bishop Nicholas, is continuing organize online events to help our parishes maintain our cohesiveness in the coming months.

Up next is the AMEN 2ND Annual Virtual Retreat on Saturday November 14. Plan on making it to this special online event specifically tailored to the needs of the men in our Diocese.

Last year’s first AMEN Virtual Retreat was a real blessing for the men who attended and this  November’s retreat will build on that success.

Details below.
Newsletter Quick Links:

AMEN Virtual Retreat

AMEN Merchandise!

Virtual Bible Study 10/27

Ask Father Hans

Bishop Nicholas Live

 AMEN Stories

Do you have some interesting stories or events in your AMEN group or at church that we can share with the AMEN brotherhood?

Send your story with any related photos to: amendomse@gmail.com. 

2nd Annual AMEN Virtual Retreat

AMEN Announcement! Save the date!

Our 2nd Annual AMEN Virtual Retreat is scheduled for Saturday, November 14, 2020!

There will be 2 events in this retreat: A Books, Breakfast, and Brotherhood event at 10 am Eastern with the discussion led by Scott Strickland and at 12 pm Eastern Fr. Paul Girgis will be our featured guest speaker on the theme of “Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives.”

We look forward to seeing you there!

Link to join the ZOOM retreat:

Meeting ID: 848 0257 8195
Passcode: 300711

Order Your New AMEN Merchandise!

We only have a few weeks to get our orders together for the new AMEN merchandise. 

Thanks to the hard work of Elias AbuGhazaleh, our AMEN Board Treasurer,  we have a great selection of AMEN shirts, sweatshirts, hats, and face masks available. 

We have minimum orders to meet and we need your orders by November 14 to get them in by Christmas. Please get your local AMEN members on board and order soon!

Shipping is free!   |   ORDER HERE   |   PayPal Link to Pay Here

Click on each image for larger view

Virtual Bible Study 10/27
The Virtual bible study with Fr. Stephen De Young was moved from this week to Tuesday October 27 at 7 PM EST.

We have password secured the ZOOM meeting for the study so please use the new link below to get in.

Topic: AMEN Bible Study Hosted by Fr. Stephen De Young
Time: Oct 27, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 882 5703 1545
Passcode: 700452
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,88257031545#,,,,,,0#,,700452# US (Chicago)
+16465588656,,88257031545#,,,,,,0#,,700452# US (New York)

Meeting ID: 882 5703 1545
Passcode: 700452
Ask Father Hans: Creating Increase
The Parable of the Talents is a call to action for all Christian men. Passivity is not an option!

Fr. Hans explains how this parable connects with our purpose to create increase. 

Bishop Nicholas Live

His Grace Bishop Nicholas is back again Sunday, October 18, with his live message to DOMSE.

If you have any questions for His Grace, this is the time to get answers.

This video below is His Grace’s message from October 4.

Tune in on the DOMSE Band at 3:00 PM EST. 


Please keep all of our AMEN Brotherhood in your prayers, especially our clergy who have continued to look after our souls and bear a heavy load in this difficult time.

Glory to God for all things!

The AMEN Board
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